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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

Showing posts with label Review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Review. Show all posts

14 December 2008

Send Ads With One Click Over 2000 AdSite adalah media periklanan anda yang akan menyebarkan iklan bisnis anda ke ratusan situs iklan baris, direktori, mailing list dan blog di internet hanya dengan beberapa kali klik saja. Anda pernah mengirim iklan ke situs iklan baris atau mengirim informasi tentang situs anda ke direktori? Kalau sudah tentunya anda tahu betapa lama, repot dan membosankannya proses pengiriman iklan tersebut. Mulai dari proses registrasi di situs iklan baris, menunggu email konfirmasi masuk, mengetik iklan atau copy-paste teks iklan satu persatu, mengisi captcha (kode) dan mengulang proses tersebut langkah demi langkah di situs iklan baris yang tersebar. Proses ini sangat memakan waktu dan banyaknya situs iklan baris yang anda masuki akan sangat tergantung dari lamanya masa online anda. mengatasi masalah tersebut dengan mempersingkat proses pengiriman iklan dan info, kini anda tidak hanya bisa mengirim lebih cepat dan mengirim ke lebih banyak situs iklan baris, bahkan anda bisa bersantai-santai karena fitur pengirim iklan dari akan mengirim iklan anda secara otomatis bahkan ketika anda sedang tidur sekalipun ! Anda hanya tinggal daftar ke, mencari kredit dan menikmati waktu luang anda. Tugas anda selanjutnya? Duduk santai, minum kopi dan melihat langsung bahwa iklan situs anda menyebar ke semua web iklan baris dan direktori.
Saat ini, Indonesia -> untuk web iklan baris dan Luar Negeri -> untuk web direktori akan mempromosikan situs anda ke ratusan situs iklan baris, direktori, blog dan email. Hal ini diharapkan akan menambah kunjungan atau traffic ke situs anda dan bagi mereka yang tertarik tentunya akan menaruh backlink ke situs anda. Ketika situs anda mulai populer, tentu ranking anda di Alexa dan Google Page Rank juga akan semakin menanjak.
Yang lebih menarik lagi hanya melakukan pengiriman iklan ke situs iklan baris gratis yang tersedia untuk umum, direktori, mailing-list dan blog. Artinya, hanya mengirimkan iklan ke situs yang memang mengijinkan dimasuki iklan atau informasi umum secara bebas sehingga terhindar dari spam. juga hanya mengijinkan satu website untuk dikirimkan sekali saja setiap harinya untuk menghindari kesan sebagai tukang spam.
Masuk ke menu "Ayo daftar di sini " yang ada di menu atas atau di sebelah kiri (di bawah kotak log in) Masukkan alamat email anda yang aktif pada kolom ID. Alamat email ini nantinya akan digunakan sebagai ID anda di Kami akan mengirimkan email konfirmasi yang berisi password yang anda butuhkan untuk login ke
Cara pengiriman iklan sangat mudah, bagi non-member form pengiriman iklan disediakan di halaman depan, anda bisa menggunakannya untuk mengirimkan iklan ke 10 situs iklan baris yang akan dirandom atau acak oleh engine kami. Klik dan gunakan "Click Here to Open Advance Form" untuk melengkapi data iklan.
Bagi member - setelah masuk ke halaman member, klik link "Mulai Mengirim Iklan" untuk membuka form pengiriman iklan. Isikan lengkap data-data yang diperlukan, gunakan "Click Here to Open Advance Form" untuk membuka kolom isian lengkap.


12 December 2008

Web Directories in the Social Networking Landscape

When you think of social networking, what names come to mind? For many people, the obvious answers include MySpace, Facebook, Bebo and LinkedIn. But while these may be the heavy-hitters in the Web 2.0 social networking space, they do not represent the only opportunities the Web has to offer.

Directories represent another type of social network that have endured since the days of Web 1.0. People-powered search through directories such as DMOZ has been around for more than a decade, and, despite vast improvements in algorithmic search in the time since their founding, they still play a very vital role in the search world.

But how can search, a seemingly solitary activity, be collaborative? There really are three interdependent social networks that combine to make the whole, and within each these networks, it is the collective knowledge and experience of the community that contributes to the success of the interaction. The three networks include:

1. The end user community
2. The editor community, and
3. The webmaster/site-submitter community

Let's take a closer look at how these work together using as an example a user's query for "eagles." Does the user want information on the West Coast Eagles, an Australian Rules football team? The rock band popular for hits such as Hotel California and Tequila Sunrise? Or does the user want to know more about birds of prey?

An algorithmic engine can make a good guess about the context, but it might not always get it right, especially in cases where the user intends a slightly more obscure result. It is in this type of ambiguous situation, however, where human-powered search can really shine.

If the user turns to a directory to find information about eagles, he or she will be engaging in a dialog of sorts with the editor community. The dialog is not direct, but rather, it is represented by the contextual meaning built into the hand-built category structure. Perhaps the user in our example is actually looking for information on the Fraternal Order of the Eagles, a service organization that operates throughout the and . He or she can simply bypass DMOZ's Sports, Science and Art categories and drill down directly through the Society category to find the desired results.

Behind the scenes, the second social network – the editor community – may have had a lot to do with this users' success. There is a "wisdom of crowds" element within the editor community in which the opinions of many people help to create a clearer directory structure and find better placements for hard to categorize sites than any one editor could do if working alone. Additionally, editors with specific knowledge of a geographic location or subject area may help others to place sites into the appropriate locations within the directory. For example, a new editor may have consulted the community for help to determine whether the Fraternal Order of the Eagles was better suited to be grouped with Clubs & Lodges or Organizations.

Through the final network, the webmasters/site-submitters, thousands of site suggestions are routed to the appropriate editors who sort them to determine if and where they should be included in the directory.


27 November 2008

Plate Private Number

Do you have a car? Do you want to have a private number plate for your car? Don’t worry because now we can get our private number plates. As we know that private number plates have traditionally been associated with the rich and the famous or anyone wanting to show the world how successful they have become. However in today's motoring world the popularity of personal number plates has moved into the fast lane with ever more of them being spotted on our roads. Private number plate are being enjoyed by people from all walks of life and give their owners vehicles a truly unique and distinctive mark.

In order to buy private number plate, you can buy in some places and one of them is, which is located in the Border County of Northumberland also known as "The Secret Kingdom", has helped many customers to get their private number plates. Most customers are satisfied and happy with their service. To find the best and the suitable private number plates, you can use their search types; prefix Search and Current Style Search. When you type of choose the numbers or initials here, you can use your name or birtday as your inspiration. So, having a private number plate is a pride and will be prouder if you get it in


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